TOEFL speaking questions with answers

TOEFL speaking questions with answers

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If you're preparing for the TOEFL exam, you know that the speaking section can be daunting. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll provide a list of TOEFL speaking questions and their answers to help you practice and boost your confidence. TOEFL speaking section tests your ability to communicate effectively in English, so practising as much as possible is essential. With our comprehensive list of TOEFL speaking questions with answers that are expertly crafted, you'll be well on your way to completing this exam section. So, let's dive in and get started!

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TOEFL Speaking - General Questions

The TOEFL speaking section contains six tasks that judge your ability to communicate in English in an academic setting. The first two tasks are called independent speaking tasks, where you will be asked to speak your opinion about a familiar topic, and the last four tasks are called integrated speaking tasks, where you will need to read a text, listen to a conversation, or watch a video and then express your opinion or summarise the information.
Here are some sample questions that you might encounter during the TOEFL speaking section: Independent Speaking Tasks:
  1. What is your favourite hobby, and why?
  2. Do you prefer to study alone or with others?
  3. What are the benefits of reading books according to you?
  4. Do you agree or disagree with this statement that having a university degree is essential to succeed in life?
  5. Which do you think is more important, saving money or spending money?
Integrated Speaking Tasks:
  1. Summarise the main points made in the lecture on the effects of social media on society.
  2. According to the passage you just read, describe the Merits and demerits of living in a large city.
  3. Explain the two solutions the professor proposes to the problem of global warming in the conversation you just listened to.
  4. Discuss the similarities and differences between the two paintings you saw in the video. During the speaking section, you will have 45 sec to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.

TOEFL Speaking - Popular Questions 2023

Here are some of the TOEFL speaking topics with answers:

  1. Talk about a memorable experience from your childhood.
  2. What qualities do you think a good leader should possess? 
  3. Define a place you have visited that you found interesting.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the classroom?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?

TOEFL Speaking - Choice-Based Sample Questions

The TOEFL Speaking section evaluates your ability to speak and communicate effectively in English. One part of the test involves responding to choice-based questions where you must choose an option and explain your reasoning. Here are some TOEFL speaking topics with answers:

  1. Would you rather have a job with a fixed salary or commission-based pay? Why?
  2. Reading books or watching movies: what do you prefer? Explain your choice.
  3. Would you prefer to travel by plane or train? Why?
  4. Which do you think is more important: having many friends or a few close friends? Explain your answer.
  5. Which is more important: studying hard or having a natural talent for something? Why?

When answering these questions, clearly state your opinion and provide specific examples and reasons to support your answer. Use appropriate grammar and vocabulary to convey your ideas effectively.

TOEFL Speaking - Agree or Disagree Questions

  1. Agree or disagree: Television has had a positive effect on society.
  2. Agree or disagree: Social media is harmful to personal relationships.
  3. Agree or disagree: Working from home is better than working in an office.
  4. Agree or disagree: Children should be allowed to use smartphones in school.
  5. Agree or disagree: Money can buy happiness.
It would help if you aimed to speak for around 45-60 seconds, so try to organise your thoughts beforehand to ensure you have enough to say.

TOEFL Speaking - Preference Type Questions

  1. Which do you prefer: watching movies at home or in a movie theatre? Why?
  2. Do you prefer to have a small circle of close friends or a large group of acquaintances?Why?
  3. Do you like to spend your free time indoors or outdoors? Why?
  4. Which do you prefer: listening to music or watching TV? Why?
  5. Would you prefer eating at a restaurant or eating at home? Why?
Practice responding to these questions to improve your speaking skills and feel more confident on test day.

TOEFL Independent Speaking Task - Sample Questions with Answer

Question 1: What are the merits and demerits of living in a big city?

Answer: Big towns provide opportunities for work, entertainment, and cultural experiences, with excellent public transport, diverse restaurants, and museums/theatres. However, they can also be overcrowded, noisy, and polluted, with high crime rates and expensive housing.

Question 2: Is it important for children to have a pet?

Answer: Yes, having a pet can teach children valuable lessons about responsibility, empathy, and companionship. Caring for a pet can help children learn to be gentle and kind and provide them with unconditional love and support.

Question 3: Why do you prefer to work in groups or alone?

Answer: I prefer working alone as I can focus better and be more productive. Working in groups can have advantages, such as brainstorming ideas and dividing tasks, but it can also cause distractions and difficulties in finding a suitable time for everyone's schedule.

TOEFL Speaking Topics of Integrated Tasks - Sample Questions with Answer

Integrated tasks in the TOEFL Speaking section require test-takers to combine their listening, reading, and speaking skills to answer questions. Here are a few TOEFL speaking questions with answers that may help you prepare for this section:

Summarise the points that were made in the lecture about issues and provide a solution mentioned in the reading passage.

In the lecture, the professor talked about the problem of carbon emissions and the solutions to reduce them. The reading passage mentioned a solution for using carbon capture technology to reduce emissions. The professor explained that carbon capture technology is an effective solution that can capture carbon emissions from power plants and store them underground. The professor also mentioned that carbon capture technology had been used in several pilot projects and had shown promising results. The reading passage cited concerns about the cost of carbon capture technology. However, the professor explained that the price decreases as technology becomes more common. Overall, the professor supported using carbon capture technology as an effective solution to reduce carbon emissions.

Explain how the information in the lecture challenges the claims made in the reading passage.

The reading passage claims that a single catastrophic event, such as an asteroid's impact, caused the dinosaurs' extinction. However, the lecture challenges this claim by presenting evidence that suggests multiple events caused the extinction over a long period. The professor discussed how climate change, volcanic eruptions, and other factors contributed to the extinction.

The professor also mentioned that the asteroid impact may have contributed but was not the sole cause of the extinction. Therefore, the lecture challenges the claim made in the reading passage by presenting alternative explanations for the extinction of dinosaurs.

Describe the process the lecture explains for solving a problem mentioned in the reading passage.

The reading passage discusses the problem of high levels of air pollution in urban areas. The lecture explains a process for solving this problem, which involves implementing policies to reduce emissions and promoting alternative modes of transportation. The professor discussed how cities could reduce emissions by implementing procedures such as mandating low-emission vehicles, increasing public transit, and promoting biking and walking.

The professor also mentioned that these policies have successfully reduced air pollution in several cities worldwide. Therefore, the lecture proposes a comprehensive solution to the problem of air pollution in urban areas by implementing policies to reduce emissions and promoting alternative modes of transportation.

In conclusion, it is essential to have a good understanding of the lecture and reading passages to provide a well-informed response to the integrated tasks in the TOEFL speaking questions. Practice these sample questions to effectively improve your ability to combine listening, reading, and speaking skills.


In conclusion, effective communication is a vital skill for success in both academic and professional contexts. By practising and refining your speaking abilities, you can gain confidence, articulate your ideas more clearly, and build strong relationships with others. Keep striving to improve, and you will surely achieve your goals! You can visit the AECC website and prepare for your TOEFL speaking test by practising TOEFL speaking questions with answers.

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To practice speaking for TOEFL, find a language partner, record yourself speaking and listening to it, and use online resources like TOEFL practice tests and speaking prompts.

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