IELTS Writing Band Scores:
Achieve Your Desired Score with Greater Flexibility.
Practice, Test, and Succeed with Confidence!

IELTS Writing Band Scores: Achieve Your Desired Score with Greater Flexibility.
Practice, Test, and Succeed with Confidence!

IELTS Writing Band Scores
In the world of international language exams, IELTS Writing Band Scores are crucial for opening doors to various opportunities. Scoring a Band 7 or higher in IELTS Writing can greatly improve your chances of getting into top universities around the globe. This score demonstrates not just your proficiency in English, but also your ability to express complex ideas clearly and effectively.
How IELTS Writing Band Scores are Calculated
To calculate IELTS Writing Band Scores, candidates are assessed on four key criteria: Task Achievement/Response, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Each of these criteria is scored on a scale from 0 to 9, and the average of these scores determines the overall Writing Band Score.
For instance, if a candidate scores 7 for Task Achievement, 8 for Coherence and Cohesion, 6 for Lexical Resource, and 7 for Grammatical Range and Accuracy, their scores are averaged like this: (7 + 8 + 6 + 7) ÷ 4 = 7.0. So, the candidate would receive a Writing Band Score of 7.0.
This approach provides a well-rounded assessment of writing skills, reflecting the comprehensive standards of the IELTS test.
IELTS Writing Band Score
Here's a detailed description of each IELTS Writing Band Score from 1 to 9, highlighting key differences and what they represent in terms of writing proficiency:
- Band 1 (Non-user): Unable to write coherently or effectively, with only limited control of basic sentence structures and vocabulary.
- Band 2 (Intermittent user): Shows frequent breakdowns in communication due to lack of coherence and cohesive features. May use simple vocabulary and grammar with difficulty.
- Band 3 (Extremely limited user): Can convey general meaning in familiar contexts, but struggles with complex ideas and organisation. Limited range of vocabulary and frequent errors.
- Band 4 (Limited user): Basic competence in familiar situations but struggles with complex language and may lack coherence. Limited ability to use varied sentence structures and vocabulary.
- Band 5 (Moderate user): Able to handle overall meaning in most situations, though with frequent errors and misunderstandings. Shows some ability to use complex language but lacks consistency.
- Band 6 (Competent user): Generally clear in communication, though with occasional errors and misunderstandings. Can handle complex language well in familiar situations, demonstrating adequate cohesion and coherence.
- Band 7 (Good user): Consistently shows effective use of language despite occasional inaccuracies. Handles complex language and detailed reasoning well, with generally good coherence and cohesion.
- Band 8 (Very good user): Very good command of the language with few errors. Uses complex language precisely and flexibly, with well-developed coherence and cohesion.
- Band 9 (Expert user): Fully operational command of the language. Uses English fluently and accurately in all contexts, with complete understanding and nuanced expression.
IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 Scoring
When it comes to IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 scoring, each task is assessed based on specific criteria.
For Task 1, which typically involves describing visual data or processes, the scoring focuses on:
- Task Achievement: How well the candidate presents and describes the key features of the data.
- Coherence and Cohesion: The organisation of information and logical progression of ideas.
- Lexical Resource: The range and accuracy of vocabulary used.
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The correctness and complexity of sentence structures.
In Task 2, where candidates write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem, the scoring emphasises:
- Task Response: The extent to which the candidate addresses the task, presents a clear position, and supports ideas with relevant examples.
- Coherence and Cohesion: How well ideas are organised and connected throughout the essay.
- Lexical Resource: The appropriateness and variety of vocabulary used to express ideas.
- Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The accuracy and complexity of grammar and sentence structures employed.
Understanding these IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 scoring criteria helps candidates prepare effectively by focusing on the specific demands of each task and maximising their potential scores in both sections of the exam.
Assessment Criteria Used by Examiner
Here's a detailed list of the IELTS Writing assessment criteria used by examiners:
Task Achievement/Response:
- Addresses all parts of the task appropriately.
- Presents a clear position or viewpoint.
- Provides relevant examples and supports arguments.
Coherence and Cohesion:
- Organises information logically.
- Uses cohesive devices (e.g., linking words, pronouns) effectively.
- Ensures smooth flow of ideas and paragraphs.
Lexical Resource:
- Demonstrates a wide range of vocabulary.
- Uses words accurately and appropriately.
- Shows awareness of collocations and idiomatic expressions.
Grammatical Range and Accuracy:
- Displays a variety of sentence structures.
- Uses grammar accurately with few errors.
- Controls complex grammatical forms effectively.
Understanding these IELTS Writing assessment criteria helps candidates prepare strategically by focusing on developing their writing skills in each specific area assessed by examiners.
IELTS Task 1 Writing Band Description
Here's a table outlining the IELTS Task 1 Writing Band description with specific descriptors for each band score:
Band |
Task Achievement |
Coherence and Cohesion |
Lexical Resource |
Grammatical Range and Accuracy |
9 |
Fully satisfies all requirements of the task with a clear overview and detailed, accurate information. |
Presents information coherently and logically with a variety of cohesive devices effectively used. |
Uses a wide range of vocabulary accurately and flexibly to convey precise meanings. |
Uses a wide range of complex structures with full control and few errors. |
8 |
Addresses all parts of the task with a clear overview and mostly accurate details. |
Organises information logically with clear progression and some use of cohesive devices. |
Uses a sufficiently wide range of vocabulary with some less common lexical items. |
Uses a mix of simple and complex structures with good control of grammar and minor errors. |
7 |
Generally addresses the task requirements with a clear overview and mostly accurate details. |
Organises information coherently with some use of cohesive devices. |
Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss topics with some flexibility. |
Uses a mix of simple and complex structures with some errors, but these rarely reduce communication. |
6 |
Addresses the task with an adequate overview and some supporting details. |
Presents information with some organisation but may lack coherence at times. |
Uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to discuss topics but may be repetitive. |
Uses a mix of simple and complex structures, but errors are noticeable and may affect communication. |
5 |
Partially addresses the task with limited clarity and may include irrelevant information. |
Presents information with limited coherence and lacks clear progression. |
Uses a limited range of vocabulary, with frequent errors and inaccuracies. |
Demonstrates basic control of simple structures, but errors are frequent and may lead to misunderstanding. |
4 |
Partially addresses the task but may not fully cover all aspects. |
Presents information with limited clarity and organisation. |
Uses a limited range of vocabulary, which may be inaccurate or inappropriate. |
Demonstrates basic control of simple structures, but errors are frequent and may obscure meaning. |
3 |
Attempts to address the task but lacks coherence and may be significantly under length. |
Presents information with little coherence and no clear progression. |
Uses a very limited range of vocabulary, with frequent errors that hinder communication. |
Uses basic sentence structures, but errors are frequent and may cause confusion. |
2 |
Does not adequately address the task and lacks clear organisation or coherence. |
Presents information with little or no cohesion. |
Uses very basic vocabulary, with frequent errors that obscure meaning. |
Uses very basic sentence structures, and errors severely affect clarity and coherence. |
1 |
Does not address the task adequately and lacks coherence. |
Fails to convey any meaningful information. |
Uses isolated words or memorised phrases only. |
Communicates with great difficulty and errors severely affect clarity. |
0 |
Does not write in English or produces only written nonsense. |
No response. |
No response. |
No response. |
Understanding these IELTS Task 1 Writing Band Descriptions helps candidates target specific areas for improvement to achieve their desired band score in the IELTS Writing Task 1.
IELTS Task 2 Writing Band Description
Here's a table outlining the IELTS Task 2 Writing Band Description with specific descriptors for each band score:
Band |
Task Achievement |
Coherence and Cohesion |
Lexical Resource |
Grammatical Range and Accuracy |
9 |
The prompt is thoroughly explored with a clear and fully developed position directly addressing the question. |
Ideas are seamlessly connected with minimal cohesion attention. |
Uses a wide range of vocabulary accurately and naturally. Minor spelling and word formation errors are extremely rare. |
Demonstrates full flexibility and precise use of a variety of grammatical structures. Very few errors with minimal impact. |
8 |
The prompt is sufficiently addressed with a clear and well-developed position. |
Ideas are logically sequenced with effective cohesion management. |
Fluent and flexible use of vocabulary, including idiomatic expressions. Occasional inaccuracies in word choice are present. |
Uses a wide range of sentence structures flexibly and accurately. Minor errors do not impede communication. |
7 |
Main aspects of the prompt are addressed with a clear position presented. |
Ideas are logically organised, though some minor coherence lapses may occur. |
Sufficient vocabulary allows some flexibility, despite occasional inaccuracies. |
Uses a variety of sentence structures with flexibility and accuracy. Few errors that do not impede communication. |
6 |
Addresses main parts of the prompt, though some areas may be less fully covered. |
Ideas are generally coherent, with occasional issues in cohesion and coherence. |
Adequate vocabulary for the task, with occasional lack of precision. |
Mix of simple and complex sentence structures, with limited flexibility in more complex forms. Minor errors may occur. |
5 |
Main parts of the prompt are incompletely addressed, with occasional tangential responses. |
Organises ideas with some coherence, but lacks logical progression in parts. |
Limited vocabulary range, with frequent inaccuracies and repetitions. |
Uses a range of simple structures; attempts at complex forms are faulty. Some grammatical errors that may hinder clarity. |
4 |
Minimal response to the prompt with tangential or misunderstood content. |
Organises ideas with little coherence or logical progression |
Basic vocabulary, often repetitive, with frequent errors in word choice and formation. |
Limited range of structures; errors in grammar and punctuation may impede understanding. |
3 |
Content barely relates to the prompt; no clear position or coherent organisation. |
Ideas are sparse and lack relevance or clarity. |
Extremely limited vocabulary, often inaccurate, impacting clarity significantly. |
Very limited range of sentence structures; frequent grammatical errors affecting communication. |
2 |
Responses are unrelated to the prompt; minimal or no coherent message. |
Little to no coherence or logical organisation of ideas. |
No recognizable vocabulary; may rely heavily on memorised phrases |
Virtually no evidence of sentence structure; severe errors in grammar and punctuation. |
1 |
Responses are wholly unrelated to the prompt or do not convey a coherent message. |
No discernible organisation or meaningful content. |
No functional vocabulary; response consists of isolated words. |
Responses consist of minimal language or use of a language other than English. |
0 |
Assigned when a candidate did not attempt the question, used a language other than English, or used entirely memorised material. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
If you’re an international student aiming to study or work in English-speaking countries, understanding IELTS Writing Band Scores is crucial for you. It’s important to get familiar with the test requirements and prepare strategically to meet the specific demands of each task in the IELTS Writing exam.
Ready to achieve your target IELTS Writing Band Score? AECC provides personalised guidance to help you excel in Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy. Contact AECC today to explore our tailored preparation programs and learn how we can support you in reaching your desired band score.